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Open2300. This site contains documentation, FAQ, and lots of other resources related to Open2300.
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This wiki has been turned to a read only wiki and all user accounts have been deleted. I am keeping the site alive for information. If someone wants to take over the project let me know
Open2300 Web Main Menu
Overview - What is Open2300
Open2300 is a package of software tools that reads (and writes) data from a Lacrosse WS2300/WS2305/WS2310/WS2315 Weather Station. It includes a function library for your own programs and a number of small programs for PHP webpage, Weather Underground and Citizen Weather. Most of Open2300 is written in standard C (but not ANSI C as // style comments are used).
Open2300 has existed as an open source project since April 2003. It was registered on Sourceforge in February 2004.
Open2300 is named like this because it is Open Source and the software is targeted for a specific family of Weather Stations from the company Lacrosse called WS2300, WS2305, WS2310 and WS2315. Lacrosse provides Windows only software. A number of 3rd party programs exists but most are not open source (Weather Display being the most popular).
The program was originally for Linux only and distributed as source only with very detailed documentation of how to use the programs. But since then it has been extended to also build well on FreeBSD and Windows. Since version 1.2 the package is distributed with binary executable Windows .exe files. Most of the source files are used for all platforms. Platform specific code has been placed in linux.c (also for FreeBSD) and windows.c.
The library rw2300 is very heavily commented and easy to use.
All the tools are command line type of tools. There is no graphical user interface. The whole idea is to keep the tools slim and command line based so that most of them can run in the background and fetch and process data. On Linux/FreeBSD you would typically use them in a cron job (e.g. log2300, histlog2300, mysql2300). On Windows as a scheduled job. Some tools are good as part of a webserver cgi or PHP/ASP program (fetch2300, xml2300).
Important Note:
With open2300 you can read and write to and from a WS-2300 weather station. You do anything - maybe even harm the station or bring it into a mode it never comes out of again. It is your choice if you want to take the risk. The author takes no responsibility for any damage the use of this program may cause. This is the list of tools.
Open2300 was originally written by
Please do not send emails Kenneth for support. Kenneth spends hours weekly on support on this TWiki and on the
Mailing List where many benefit from the answers and where many people assist Kenneth answering the questions.
The Forum/Tracker/Support features at Sourceforge are not used. It is on the
Mailing List and here on the new Open2300 TWiki that things happen.

Open2300 is hosted at Sourceforge.