Music - Neon Lights

Neon Lights

It does not happen often that I post a cover version of a song but here is one of the rare exceptions.

Neon Lights - by the German group Kraftwerk - from their great album The Man Machine. Today the original sounds lame and boring and far too long but this music really influenced the whole electronic dance music scene as we know it today. And Kraftwerk actually managed to write some really good songs with melodies that stays in your ear like a worm. And Neon Lights is one of those songs.

I have created a my own interpretation of it. I have kept the melody and basic structure but I have changed the groove with drums and bass that gets the groove moving much more. I have changed the chords a little bit. I have added extra notes to the melodies to create more variation. And the long ending has been made short. And no singing, sorry

I hope you will enjoy it.

Genre: Electronica
Artists: Kenneth Lavrsen
Composer: Ralf Huetter / Florian Schneider-Esleben / Karl Bartos
Lyrics: Ralf Huetter / Florian Schneider-Esleben / Karl Bartos
Published: 19 Apr 2015
Copyright: 2015

Topic revision: r1 - 18 Jul 2018, KennethLavrsen
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