Open2300 - Bug Report 2009x 01x 02x 222913

BUG: Data problems with 2310

I have a WS-2310-11STWC and the software (Open2300 version 1.10) doesn't seem to perform as expected. Basically, the XML output looks ok, but most of the other programs produce little to no data.

Kernel info: (standard Ubuntu 8.10 install) Linux korvus-desktop 2.6.27-9-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 20 21:57:00 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

Test case

For example:

$ ./log2300 log.txt; cat log.txt 20081228222152 2008-Dec-28 22:21:52 Steady Cloudy 20081228222844 2008-Dec-28 22:28:44 Steady Cloudy 20081229144439 2008-Dec-29 14:44:39 Falling Rainy 20090101191920 2009-Jan-01 19:19:20 Falling Rainy 20090102121956 2009-Jan-02 12:19:56 Falling Rainy

(shouldn't there be things like temperatures, humidity, wind speed/direction, etc?)

Weather Underground updating didn't seem to work, so I recompiled with debugging on and I get this as the URL when I run it: $ ./wu2300 &softwaretype=open2300%20v1.10&action=updateraw

That's not a valid URL at all (not to mention that it doesn't seem to have any data from the weather station). Finally, here's the XML output so you can see that at least one of the programs seems to be able to get correct data from the unit:

$ ./xml2300 log.xml; cat log.xml

2009-01-02 21.4 17.1 22.2 18:12 2008-12-31 11:13 2009-01-01 80.9 3.1 21.5 21:45 2009-01-01 11:11 2009-01-01 36 31 37 00:10 2009-01-01 06:28 2009-01-02 110 29 59 00:37 2009-01-01 17:52 2009-01-01 81.1 -5.5 5.0 03:49 2009-01-02 11:03 2009-01-01 51.0 NNE 22.5 22.5 22.5 90.0 22.5 67.5 0.0 3.1 11:21 2009-01-02 19:02 2009-01-01 81.1 2.5 21.5 07:47 2009-01-02 11:11 2009-01-01 0.00 27.45 17:36 2009-01-01 53.35 73.55 10:57 2009-01-02 0.00 2009-01-01 836.700 836.700 857.400 12:23 2009-01-02 10:47 2008-12-30 Falling Rainy

(update: clearly some of those numbers aren't making sense, so the problem may be bigger than I thought. It says the temp outside is 80.9...I don't know what unit that is supposed to be, but it's 49.1 F according to the display. A humidity of 110% outside doesn't make sense either...)


Open2300 version: 1.10
Shared libraries: mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Ubuntu 8.10

-- JeffPoole - 02 Jan 2009

Follow up

Fix record

Topic revision: r1 - 02 Jan 2009, JeffPoole
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