Open2300 - Open Ja WS
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OpenJaWS - Open Java Weather Station


Java based application for managing readings from weather stations. Starting with support for the WS2300 series but potentially other stations can be plugged in.

Reads the recordings as frequently as the station is taking them (from the external sensors) and makes that data available to a webpage, and a sql database via a pluggable architecture.

Like OpenJ2300 it uses an embedded Jetty webserver but can also be deployed as a standalone daemon process or as a java web application in another container.

The WS2300 interface is a from scratch (although influenced by this great project) implementation, with abstraction of the WS2300 serial protocol, the device memory, safe reads etc into separate classes.

For testing purposes there is also a proxy that can pretend to be the device by loading up a dump of the memory from a real device. The beginnings of a WS2300 simulator have also been written. For instance open2300 can talk to these via something like interceptty.

More stuff to come...

Source/Binaries etc available from

Comments and Bug Reports

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ProjectSummary Another Java program for grabbing recordings from WeatherStations
ProjectStatus Alpha
ReleaseVersion 0.0.1
ProjectSubmitter GrantGardner
Topic revision: r2 - 15 Mar 2009, DrLizAu
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