Motion - Support Question 2005x 03x 27x 224143
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Live stream bandwith limmiting



I have motion running (works fine) but when I do live streaming is also works goed only the bandwith is over 300kbps. My upload line is only 128kbps so it das not work wel.

My question is next: How can I get live motion streaming? How do I compress the stream?

Is ffmpeg not installed good ?


Motion version: 3.1.17
ffmpeg version: 0.4.9pre1
Libraries: curl, xmlrpc, ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: fedora core 1, kernel 2.4.199

-- MartijnZuiderwijk - 27 Mar 2005


Please note that current version of Motion is 3.1.19 and that new there is exciting work going on on the 3.2.1 releases.

I assume you talk about the live stream where you connect to Motion with a browser or with the Java Cambozola program or applet.

This stream has nothing to do with ffmpeg. Ffmpeg libraries are used to make mpeg movie files.

The live cam is in mjpeg format and is generated using standard jpeg libraries and some native plain encoding.

To limit the bandwidth you can do 3 things.

  • Lower the quality (lower percentage - try maybe 30)
  • Use smaller picture size. 320x240 is more than enough normally.
  • Use a low refresh rate for the webcam. Like 1 or 2 fps.

-- KennethLavrsen - 30 Mar 2005

Answer to Answer

I have tried that and it workt fine now. (setting was 100% instead of 50% or 30% and setting of the image is now 140 * 100).

Also i am running now on 3.2.1snap10 release and that work fine now. Better quality of the picture, more color.
Topic revision: r3 - 01 Apr 2005, MartijnZuiderwijk
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