Motion - Web Changes

50 recent changes in Motion Web retrieved at 05:01 (GMT)

Motion Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Motion web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be overw...
Recording sound / audio from Webcam Microphone. Introduction This might be simple to some people, and better ways probably exists, but to get started for beginne...
Welcome to the former home of Motion, a software motion detector. NOTE. I have handed over the project to a new team of developers. New project owner is Mr Dave...
Motion Guide Alphabetical Option Reference Manual Note that this Motion Guide is no longer maintained on this site. Motion is now maintained by Mr. Dave and loc...
Motion Guide Version 4.0.1 and newer Note that this Motion Guide is no longer maintained on this site. Motion is now maintained by Mr. Dave and located on Github...
* Type: * Range / Valid values: * Default: * Group: #TopicEnd
Web Interface For Motion Discussion. The Initial Vision by Main.KennethLavrsen It is amazing today how Motion rich with features as it is is still able to ...
WebcamCompressInMemory Introduction Every time someone is using a browser to see a webcam motion writes to disk each frame captured from a device (v4l or network...
r10 - 12 Dec 2017 - 09:17 by NickiAllen
Motionmail Creates a montage of event images and sends it by email. Introduction Perl script which will send a montage of event images to a list of email address...
r8 - 12 Dec 2017 - 09:16 by NickiAllen
Area Detect Feature Description of Patch This patch adds the ability to detect motion in predefined areas and execute an event immediately upon detection. The ev...
r11 - 09 Oct 2017 - 19:02 by RaC
Manufacturer of OEMed network device and IP camera hardware. Trendnet TV IP100 IP100.htm Wired Ether...
r13 - 13 Sep 2017 - 20:58 by SteveMatscherz
IPv6 Support Description of Patch This patch adds support for IPv6 to Motion. The 'local' options, which before bound on localhost, now will bind on the appropri...
r13 - 31 Aug 2017 - 05:32 by AlfinSyuqra
Motion Stream Authentication Patch Description of Patch This patch add authentication support to the "Live Stream Server" function. It contains two authenticatio...
r25 - 31 Aug 2017 - 03:29 by AlfinSyuqra
Main.JackAllen 26 Aug 2017
NEW - 26 Aug 2017 - 18:06 by JackAllen
Feature Request: Description Hi guys, I have problems with motion and I need the help. As the IP camera I have ASUS rt n16 router. I have established open sourc...
r2 - 09 Aug 2017 - 00:23 by AndikaJuniar
" warn="off"}% * Welcome * Web * Home * Index * Motion Web Changes * Search
Question Does anybody know how to make motion only take a picture of a motion that is detected in the specified area_detect zone? Thank you for the help. Roman Pa...
NEW - 22 Jun 2017 - 20:45 by RomanR
Question We are looking to get images from our camera through RTSP. In our config file, we entered the rtsp address: rtsp://admin:123456@ ...
NEW - 21 May 2017 - 23:14 by JohnLaboe
Main.BartoszMarek 20 May 2017 cap.driver: "uvcvideo"cap.card: "USB2.0 PC CAMERA"cap.bus_info: "usb 0000:00:14.0 1"cap.capabilities=0x84200001 1:ml1 NTC VID ...
NEW - 20 May 2017 - 17:26 by BartoszMarek
Working Devices If you add an entry for a Network camera, please provide the URL that is required for motion to access the camera images. If the camera supports b...
r203 - 20 May 2017 - 17:22 by BartoszMarek
Motion Logging Description Motion uses syslog for logging messages, but also stderr when it runs in no deamon mode. Only running motion in no damon mode allows t...
r17 - 08 May 2017 - 02:05 by ArifUsr
Question Hi there. I am trying to record audio at the same time as video, based on when motion is detected. I have tried using arecord, as listed elsewhere in thi...
NEW - 30 Mar 2017 - 20:32 by JoPitts
Question Hello ! I am trying to use a motion with a ComOnyx CO L221 camera. On official site in support is written: The correct spelling of the request for JPEG f...
NEW - 23 Mar 2017 - 13:36 by RamilMukhtarov
Question motion.conf on thread1.conf: videodevice /dev/video0 text_left CAMERA 1 target_dir /home/pi/webcam/camera1 stream_port 9061 stream_auth_method 1 stream_...
NEW - 21 Mar 2017 - 08:17 by SuburSubekti
Question Hi. I have been trying to get a single JPEG image from running motion, but I only get MJPEG. Is there a HTTP call with what I could ask just for a snapsh...
NEW - 17 Mar 2017 - 07:24 by JermyHollew32332
Frequently Asked Questions about Motion How do I get Motion to work with two or more camera at a time? If I run with one camera Motion works but when I add one m...
r85 - 22 Feb 2017 - 14:49 by RodolfoLeibner
Question Hello, I plugged in a webcam (sudo lsusb) "Logitech, Inc. Quickcam E2500 series" on my Rapsberry PI3. It works correctly with motion v3.2.12, but the web...
NEW - 20 Feb 2017 - 16:22 by NicoMesa
Main.RodolfoLeibner 18 Feb 2017 As a Motion software user, I prefer to get a big movie per day rather than a lot of small ones. Although it is always possible to...
r4 - 19 Feb 2017 - 23:29 by RodolfoLeibner
Question Hi, my ipcam strams the video with rtsp. VLC is playing the stream without problems when i enter the url: rtsp:// in motion.conf i ent...
NEW - 27 Jan 2017 - 21:08 by HennerK
Question Hi, First thanks for your app, it's very performant and customizable! My problem is that the video produced after a motion detection is not "correct". I ...
NEW - 25 Jan 2017 - 19:07 by FloD
Question Hello everybody, thanks in advance for your help. Please be patient with me i am not good at linux and not experienced with raspi either :( here is my qu...
NEW - 24 Jan 2017 - 21:38 by ThaninSchultheis
Main.MarioAlbuja2 19 Jan 2017 Tested with: netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/snapshot.cgi (for single JPEG images) netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/videostream.cgi (f...
NEW - 19 Jan 2017 - 22:00 by MarioAlbuja2
Question I have been running a remote webcam for a number of years. I have been having problems with Logitech cameras locking up to give a gray screen. I have b...
NEW - 10 Jan 2017 - 08:58 by DazzConway
Question i am trying to find the http access logs for the motion webserver. where can they be found? Environment Motion version: 3.2.12 ffmpeg versio...
NEW - 02 Jan 2017 - 17:42 by RobertPellegrini
Question hi, is possible to manage multiple ipcam? is like the solution for usb? (motion.conf motion2.conf). Thanks Environment Motion version: 4 ff...
NEW - 15 Nov 2016 - 08:34 by RaffaeleDebbi
Question I don't have ffmpeg installed on my raspbian OS, because it does not seem to be used in debian anymore. The fork 'libav tools' is available though. I wou...
NEW - 14 Nov 2016 - 20:30 by RicardoBirwe
Config File Options Version 4.0.1: The configuration options that are applicable to 4.0.1 can be viewed on line alphabetically or by topic. This file is also i...
Downloads Motion is published under the GNU Public License version 2 or later. Current version is 4.0.1 * Release Files (Debs and Source) releases Old...
Feature Requests from Users This page illustrates some of the historic feature requests for the Motion application. Any new feature requests should be discussed v...
Bug Reports The page includes historic bug reports. It is not to be used for reporting any new bugs. New issues should be reported via the github home or reported...
Motion Support The Motion Wiki Support pages are here for you if you have a technical question or any question about the use of Motion. Motion is free software an...
Question I wanna save pictures just around locate positions. Environment Motion version: 3.2.12 ffmpeg version: Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, pos...
NEW - 11 Nov 2016 - 05:13 by YushinSuzuki
Bluecherry /bluecherry.jpg Website Curtis Hall has kindly offered 15% to users of Motion (and Zoneminder) on video capture cards. To obt...
r8 - 16 Oct 2016 - 19:22 by QwQw
Question I have a problem to run motion with logitech c270. I've got 2 errors in logfile: mjpegtoyuv420p: Corrupt image ... continue and Device doesn't support VI...
NEW - 01 Oct 2016 - 18:22 by GenaBaklofen
Motion Notify Google Drive Uploader and Email Notifier with Network Detection Motion Notify Version 1.0 Motion Notify 1.0 is a major release which is a signifi...
r31 - 24 Sep 2016 - 18:49 by AndrewDean
BUG: I recompiled the latest ffmpeg for raspberry pi 3. (see below info) trying to recompile motion with suggested commands (autoreconf fiv; ./configure; make) ...
NEW - 11 Sep 2016 - 14:57 by MarcoBernardi
Motion Guide Getting It Running This topic consists of the following subtopics: RunningMotionConfigFiles, CommandLineOptions, ConfigFileOptions, SignalsKill, Er...
Command Line Options In Motion 3.2.1 and forward most command line options have been removed and replaced them by an option to specify location to motion.conf ...
Running Motion Important Definitions Motion is invoked from the command line. It has no GUI. Everything is controlled from config files. From version 3.2 the com...
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Topic revision: r2 - 27 Oct 2010, KennethLavrsen
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