Motion - Support Question 2017x 05x 21x 225901

Wansview K2 (720p Wireless IP Camera) Support


We are looking to get images from our camera through RTSP. In our config file, we entered the rtsp address:


We also filled in the username and password fields accordingly.

Unfortunately, we get a failed authorization. We are thinking that the input to rtsp_connect should be rtsp://username:password@IP:rtspPort/live/ch0 in order for our Wansview K2 camera to grant authorization, but it seems rtsp_connect is getting the input rtsp://IP:rtspPort/live/ch0.

We know that our RTSP url is correct because this camera was functioning well with We want to use motion because is missing some key functionality we need for our project.

Can we not connect our Wansview because of support issues, or would this be a config file fix?

[31871360] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 16:23:28] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[31871360] [NTC] [ENC] [May 21 16:23:28] ffmpeg_init: ffmpeg LIBAVCODEC_BUILD 3685476 LIBAVFORMAT_BUILD 3680357
[31871360] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 16:23:28] main: Motion running in setup mode.
[0] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 16:23:28] main: Thread 1 is from /home/michael/.motion/motion.conf
[0] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 16:23:28] main: Thread 1 is device: rtsp://wansview:123456@ input -1
[0] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 16:23:28] main: Stream port 8081
[0] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 16:23:28] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 8962
[1] [NTC] [ALL] [May 21 16:23:28] motion_init: Thread 1 started , motion detection Enabled
[1] [ALR] [NET] [May 21 16:23:28] netcam_start: Network Camera thread starting... for url (rtsp://wansview:123456@
[0] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 16:23:28] httpd_run: motion-httpd testing : IPV4 addr: port: 8080
[0] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 16:23:28] httpd_run: motion-httpd Bound : IPV4 addr: port: 8080
[0] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 16:23:28] httpd_run: motion-httpd/3.2.12+git20140228 running, accepting connections
[0] [NTC] [STR] [May 21 16:23:28] httpd_run: motion-httpd: waiting for data on port TCP 8080
[1] [ALR] [NET] [May 21 16:23:29] rtsp_connect: unable to open input(rtsp:// -825242872 - Server returned 401 Unauthorized (authorization failed)


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS:  
-- JohnLaboe - 21 May 2017


Topic revision: r1 - 21 May 2017, JohnLaboe
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