Motion - Support Question 2005x 09x 13x 190822

Work with a IP-Camera from LevelOne


I work with the version 3.17 already a longer time. Motion works perfectly. I am very content.

My video map is a Hauppauge video map with 2 entrances. Now I would like to operate Motion with a Web camera.

Manufacturer LevelOne with engine and zoom shot. I changed the configuration file.

Example: netcam_url

I get then the following error message:

# motion Unkown config option: "netcam_url" 
Unkown config option: "netcam_userpass" 
Unkown config option: "camera" thread0 DEVICE: /dev/video0 input: 8 thread 
pid: 1271 waiting for threads ton finish, pid: 1269 failed tons of 
open video DEVICE: NO look for DEVICES linux:/usr/local/etc 

I assume the configuration look for the map driver. My question: Which attitude do I have to still change?



Motion version: 3.1.7
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Linus Suse 8.0

-- TWikiGuest - 13 Sep 2005


Why don't you upgrade to 3.2.3?

We have fixed at least 200 bugs since 3.1.7 and the netcam code is completely re-written TWICE.

In fact you should download the latest snap shot code which is quite nice for Netcam use.

Download it from here: MotionRelease3x2x4snap2 (3.2.4_snap2)

The newer Motion version has less requirements for external libs than the older and there should be nothing that prevents it from running on a Suse 8.0

The reason for the "unknown option" is because you never noticed that during compilation of Motion you were told that cURL library was not found. And the old Netcam code used cURL and did not support mjpeg type cameras. The new netcam code does not use cURL and works much better.

-- KennethLavrsen - 13 Sep 2005
Topic revision: r2 - 13 Sep 2005, KennethLavrsen
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