Motion - Support Question 2009x 05x 13x 160223

emailing of pictures


ok im, having to be quick as im off to work 5 minutes ago

how do i get it to email the pictures that motion saves to my email address? im guessing i would have to install a smtp client into ubuntu (though sabnzbd seems happy to use my gmail settings smile )

all i want to do is for motion upon detecting motion to email me a picture of said motion since i use gmail and have several gigs of space storage shouldnt be an issue

any help greatfully recieved please email me the reply as i can check email at work (another reason to have motion email me lol)

Dave ( )


in reply to the answer (sorry can only edit cant figure out how to reply on this forum!) seems the best bet the otheres i dont understand at all this one atleast i can sort of see how it works but theres no installation guide other then it says to add -e or motion.conf but explanation of where to add to to the motion.conf (im guessing you cut and past the contents to the end of the file?) also i can see where to add the smtp for the mail server but no where to add the autorisation settings (i use gmail so i need to set port password etc)

please i am a linux newb i just want to use motion to make sure that if i get robbed while at work or when on holiday i get notified by email fast and have the pictures of who done it, there has been a lot of robberies in my area i need this piece of mind please help me set this up

Paste in your error messages, config settings, terminal window output etc in this text field.


Motion version: 3.2.11
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: ubuntu 9.04

-- DavidEastwick - 13 May 2009


- Firstly, maybe you must read here :

-- FlorinAnton - 13 May 2009


- Quick and Dirty Solution :


- install mutt

- install

- in /usr/local/etc/Muttrc file ,insert 2 lines :

set sendmail="/usr/local/bin/"

set sendmail_wait=0

- in your /$HOME/.putmail/putmailrc file, insert this :


server =

email =

username =

password = yourpassword

port = 587

tls = true

- in your /home folder, create a new file called with this content :


mutt -s "MOTION DETECTED..." -a /mnt/hda4/cam1/lastsnap.jpg < /usr/local/etc/test.txt

- in /usr/local/etc/ create a new file called test.txt with this content :


- in /usr/local/etc/motion.conf file insert this line :

on_event_end /home/

- in fact, yes, your mail address from gmail will send itself an email with file lastsnap.jpg attached...

- suplemental read :

-- FlorinAnton - 17 Jun 2009
Topic revision: r5 - 09 Jul 2009, AngelCarpintero
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