Motion - Support Question 2010x 12x 13x 120535

How does DLink DCS 5230 use PTZ with Motion?



i have read the manuals and i have seen in the supportet devicelist that the DLInk DCS 5230 worked how the DCS-2102.

netcam_url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/video/mjpg.cgi?profieid=3

Thats good.

But what must i do to working with PTZ-Motors from the DCS-5230? Which track_type?

Maybe.. can i set the Homeposition?

with best wishes

# Tracking (Pan/Tilt)

# Type of tracker (0=none (default), 1=stepper, 2=iomojo, 3=pwc, 4=generic, 5=uvcvideo)
# The generic type enables the definition of motion center and motion size to
# be used with the conversion specifiers for options like on_motion_detected
track_type 0

# Enable auto tracking (default: off)
track_auto on

# Serial port of motor (default: none)
; track_port value

# Motor number for x-axis (default: 0)
track_motorx 0

# Motor number for y-axis (default: 0)
track_motory 0

# Maximum value on x-axis (default: 0)
track_maxx 0

# Maximum value on y-axis (default: 0)
track_maxy 0

# ID of an iomojo camera if used (default: 0)
track_iomojo_id 0

# Angle in degrees the camera moves per step on the X-axis
# with auto-track (default: 10)
# Currently only used with pwc type cameras
track_step_angle_x 10

# Angle in degrees the camera moves per step on the Y-axis
# with auto-track (default: 10)
# Currently only used with pwc type cameras
track_step_angle_y 10

# Delay to wait for after tracking movement as number
# of picture frames (default: 10)
track_move_wait 10

# Speed to set the motor to (stepper motor option) (default: 255)
track_speed 255

# Number of steps to make (stepper motor option) (default: 40)
track_stepsize 40


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version: 4:0.5.2-6
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Debian
-- UweHeidrich - 13 Dec 2010


Topic revision: r1 - 13 Dec 2010, UweHeidrich
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