Motion - Support Question 2012x 08x 07x 032813

jpeg there but configure and make so no


i have lib jpeg and other files installed as shown in libs required but configure and makes say there is no jpeg or mmfjpeg support. How do i tell config and make they are there? how do i know if they are there? linux is so confusing. every package wants so many other packages and you never know if they are there or visible. to each other. why cant a compiler just compile?

ubuntu 9.10 and mot 3,2,12 also are there no aptgets for 9.10 any more? *****************************

OS : Linux pthread Support: Yes jpeg Support: No why? how tell where they are?

********************************************* Fatal Error YOU MUST HAVE jpeg Support ** ******************************************** V4L included: Yes V4L2 supported: Yes FFmpeg Support: No why? MYSQL Support: No PostgreSQL Support: No

Paste in your error messages, config settings, terminal window output etc in this text field.   *******************************

OS             :     Linux
pthread Support:     Yes
jpeg Support:        No
** Fatal Error YOU MUST HAVE jpeg Support  ***
V4L included:        Yes
V4L2 supported:      Yes
FFmpeg Support:      No
MYSQL Support:       No
PostgreSQL Support:  No


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: libjpeg62, mysql, lbq5
Server OS:  
-- DavidHorner - 07 Aug 2012


Topic revision: r1 - 07 Aug 2012, DavidHorner
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