Motion - Support Question 2015x 07x 20x 213901

stream_localhost = off not working - resolved


Thank you for this free software and the support!

I have installed motion 3.2.12 on my Raspberry Pi 2 on Ubuntu Mate 1.8.2 and I am using a USB webcam with it. Everything seems to be working just fine. I get the image and the control page on their ports on localhost. Unfortunately, if I am using an external computer and try to open the streaming page (port 8081) using the Raspberrys IP in the network, I can't. I am, however, able to connect to port 8080 for the control page.

I tried to switch ports, but the same thing happens. Control page opens, streaming page does not. I played around with the settings, but I couldn't get it to work. I set stream_localhost = off and on and tried with variations of authentication. Any ideas, why this might happen and what I can do? Do you need more information about my system?

Edit: I just found out it was related to using Chrome... works like a charm in Safari...

Thank you!
[0] [NTC] [ALL] conf_load: Processing thread 0 - config file ~/.motion/motion.conf
[0] [ALR] [ALL] conf_cmdparse: Unknown config option "sdl_threadnr"
[0] [NTC] [ALL] motion_startup: Motion 3.2.12+git20140228 Started
[0] [NTC] [ALL] motion_startup: Logging to syslog
[0] [NTC] [ALL] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[0] [NTC] [ENC] ffmpeg_init: ffmpeg LIBAVCODEC_BUILD 3670016 LIBAVFORMAT_BUILD 3670272
[0] [NTC] [ALL] main: Thread 1 is from /home/ruben/.motion/motion.conf
[0] [NTC] [ALL] main: Thread 1 is device: /dev/video0 input -1
[0] [NTC] [ALL] main: Stream port 8080
[0] [NTC] [ALL] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 4139
[1] [NTC] [ALL] motion_init: Thread 1 started , motion detection Enabled
[1] [NTC] [VID] vid_v4lx_start: Using videodevice /dev/video0 and input -1
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_get_capability: 
cap.driver: "uvcvideo"
cap.card: "USB2.0 Camera"
cap.bus_info: "usb-bcm2708_usb-1.5"
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_get_capability: - VIDEO_CAPTURE
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_get_capability: - STREAMING
[0] [NTC] [STR] httpd_run: motion-httpd testing : IPV4 addr: port: 8081
[0] [NTC] [STR] httpd_run: motion-httpd Bound : IPV4 addr: port: 8081
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_select_input: name = "Camera 1", type 0x00000002, status 00000000
[0] [NTC] [STR] httpd_run: motion-httpd/3.2.12+git20140228 running, accepting connections
[0] [NTC] [STR] httpd_run: motion-httpd: waiting for data on port TCP 8081
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_select_input: - CAMERA
[1] [WRN] [VID] v4l2_select_input: Device doesn't support VIDIOC_G_STD
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: Config palette index 17 (YU12) doesn't work.
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: Supported palettes:
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: (0) YUYV (YUV 4:2:2 (YUYV))
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format: 0 - YUV 4:2:2 (YUYV) (compressed : 0) (0x56595559)
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_set_pix_format Selected palette YUYV
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_do_set_pix_format: Testing palette YUYV (640x480)
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_do_set_pix_format: Using palette YUYV (640x480) bytesperlines 1280 sizeimage 614400 colorspace 00000008
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: found control 0x00980900, "Brightness", range 0,100 
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls:    "Brightness", default -8193, current 30
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: found control 0x00980901, "Contrast", range 0,100 
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls:    "Contrast", default 57343, current 57
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: found control 0x00980902, "Saturation", range 0,4 
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls:    "Saturation", default 57343, current 2
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls: found control 0x00980910, "Gamma", range 1,8 
[1] [NTC] [VID] v4l2_scan_controls:    "Gamma", default 57343, current 3
[1] [NTC] [VID] vid_v4lx_start: Using V4L2
[1] [NTC] [ALL] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[1] [NTC] [STR] http_bindsock: motion-stream testing : IPV4 addr: port: 8080
[1] [NTC] [STR] http_bindsock: motion-stream Bound : IPV4 addr: port: 8080
[1] [NTC] [ALL] motion_init: Started motion-stream server in port 8080 auth Disabled


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Ubuntu Mate 1.8.2
-- RuGla - 20 Jul 2015


Topic revision: r1 - 20 Jul 2015, RuGla
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