Music - The White Lady Sings

The White Lady Sings

The Hindsgavl Castle, Denmark, has its own ghost roaming the grounds. She is called The White Lady and bears a tragic story. On the day of her wedding, the coach carrying her to Hindsgavl crashed into a pond, and she got stuck in the coach and drowned. Now she is looking for her husband mainly in the park at midnight, but she has been spotted a few places around the castle as well. She only approaches men, as she seeks for her husband, and people say she disappears with a sigh, when she discovers none of them are her husband. It is also said that the ring for her finger is still somewhere around the castle.

My wife and I celebrated Christmas 2014 at Hindsgavl Castle and late night on Christmas evening I chatted with Stan Loh and told him the story about the ghost. And his reaction was "I think we have a new project". Few days later he sent me this fantastic song.

I added some musical details including the long opera/choral middle part and added other bits and pieces.

Stan contacted Steve Hales and asked him if he would sing the song. Steve took the challenge and started working hard on it. And here 6 weeks later the result is here. I think his vocal work is fantastic.

On behalf of Steve, Stan, and myself - I wish you a pleasant listen

Vocal: Steve Hales
All instruments and mix/master: Kenneth Lavrsen
Music: Stan Loh and Kenneth Lavrsen
Lyrics: Stan Loh

Genre: Pop
Artists: Steve Hales and Kenneth Lavrsen
Composer: Stan Loh and Kenneth Lavrsen
Lyrics: Stan Loh
Published: 15 Feb 2015
Copyright: 2015


The White Lady Sings
(C) December 26, 2014. Song about the Ghost of Hindsgavl Castle

She wore her wedding gown,
Pieces can be found,
Sounds of smashing windows,
Her wedding ring could not bestow,
Lights through worn pine floors!

She seeks her loved one still,
Through pond and water mill,
But all she does is sigh,
Cause her prize is far not nigh,
Sounds of curdling cries.

Sing! White Lady sing,
Sing out loud the bells must ring,
Right through the walls,
Right through the halls,
“Pull hard good stallions”, she cries, the trumpets call!

No shards of broken glass,
Nor ring of golden past,
But honeymooners want,
The excitement that cannot grant,
Silence through old oak doors.

Sing! White Lady sing,
Sing out loud the bells must ring,
Right through the walls,
Right through the halls,
“Pull hard good stallions”, she cries, the trumpets call!

Sing! White Lady sing,
Sing out loud the bells must ring,
Right through the walls,
Right through the halls,
“Pull hard good stallions”, she cries, the trumpets call!

Topic revision: r1 - 18 Jul 2018, KennethLavrsen
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