User Guide
How to use the programs:
All the programs now uses a config file to get information like COM port (serial device name), preferred units of dimensions, etc etc.
See the INSTALL file and the open2300-dist.conf file for more info.
Note that you should copy the open2300-dist.conf to your preferred location, edit it, and rename to open2300.conf.
Read bytes |
open2300 address_hex r number_of_bytes |
Write nibbles |
open2300 address_hex w text_hex_string |
Set bits |
open2300 address_hex s bit_number |
Unset bits |
open2300 address_hex c bit_number |
Write address to file |
dump2300 filename start_address end_address |
The addresses are simply written in hex. E.g. 21C 3A1
Write address to file |
bin2300 filename start_address end_address |
The addresses are simply written in hex. E.g. 21C 3A1
Write records to file |
history2300 filename start_record end_record |
The addresses are simply written in hex. E.g. 1B 3A
Write current data to log interpreted |
log2300 filename config_filename |
This is very suitable for a cron job since it makes no output to screen.
If no config_filename is given the program will search for it using the default search sequence - see the open2300-dist.conf file.
Log file format:
Timestamp Date Time Temp_indoor Temp_outdoor Dewpoint Rel_humidity_indoor Rel_humidity_outdoor Wind_speed Wind_direction-degrees Wind_direction_text Wind_chill Rain_1h Rain_24h Rain_total Rel_pressure Tendency Forecast
20051014081004 2005-Oct-14 08:10:04 27.6 10.2 7.2 35 82 0.0 90.0 E 10.2 0.00 0.00 125.35 1024.600 Falling Cloudy
Write current data to standard out |
fetch2300 config_filename |
It takes one parameter which is the config file name with path. If this parameter is omitted the program will look at the default paths.
See the open2300-dist.conf file for info.
Send current data to Weather Underground |
wu2300 config_filename |
It takes one parameter which is the config file name with path. If this parameter is omitted the program will look at the default paths.
See the open2300-dist.conf file for info.
Remember to add your Weather Underground ID and password to the config file. To get an account at Weather Underground - go here
Send current data to CWOP |
cw2300 config_filename |
It takes one parameter which is the config file name with path. If this parameter is omitted the program will look at the default paths.
See the open2300-dist.conf file for info.
To join the Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) - go here
At the release of version 1.4 the 4 APRS servers given should be valid.
If they later change simply update the config file.
Without a config file two default servers are hard coded in the program.
Write current data to XML file |
xml2300 xml-filename config_filename |
It takes two parameters. xml_file_path and config_filename. If the config_filename parameter is omitted the program will look at the default paths.
See the open2300.conf-dist file for info
Write current data to MySQL database |
mysql2300 config_filename |
It takes one parameter which is the config file name with path. If this parameter is omitted the program will look at the default paths.
See the open2300-dist.conf file for info.
Write current data to PostgresSQL database |
pgsql2300 config_filename |
It takes one parameter which is the config file name with path. If this parameter is omitted the program will look at the default paths.
See the open2300-dist.conf file for info.
Turn light off |
light2300 off config_filename |
Turn light on |
light2300 on config_filename |
If the config_filename parameter is omitted the program will look at the default paths.
See the open2300-dist.conf file for info
Write history data to a log file. The data is interpreted into readable values.
Write history data to log file |
histlog2300 log_filename config_filename |
If the config_filename parameter is omitted the program will look at the default paths.
See the open2300-dist.conf file for info
Read or set the time interval at which the weatherstation saves the history data.
Set Interval |
interval2300 interval_minutes next_dataset_minutes config_filename |
Read current Interval |
interval2300 0 0 config_filename |
If interval is set to 0 the current setting is displayed but nothing changed.
If the config_filename parameter is omitted the program will look at the default paths.
Be carefull, changing interval
erases history data.
See the open2300-dist.conf file for info
Reset minimum/maximum values in a WS-2300 weather station.
Reset Daily Maximum (Temp, Humid, WC, DP) |
minmax2300 dailymax config_filename |
Reset Daily Minimum (Temp, Humid, WC, DP) |
minmax2300 dailymin config_filename |
Reset Temperature Indoor Max/Min/Both |
minmax2300 timax/timin/tiboth config_filename |
Reset Temperature Outdoor Max/Min/Both |
minmax2300 tomax/tomin/toboth config_filename |
Reset Dewpoint Max/Min/Both |
minmax2300 dpmax/dpmin/dpboth config_filename |
Reset Windchill Max/Min/Both |
minmax2300 wcmax/wcmin/wcboth config_filename |
Reset Wind Max/Min/Both |
minmax2300 wmax/wmin/wboth config_filename |
Reset Humidity Indoor Max/Min/Both |
minmax2300 himax/himin/hiboth config_filename |
Reset Humidity Outdoor Max/Min/Both |
minmax2300 homax/homin/hoboth config_filename |
Reset Pressure Max/Min/Both |
minmax2300 pmax/pmin/pboth config_filename |
Reset Rain Maximum 1h/24h |
minmax2300 r1max/r24max config_filename |
Reset Rain Counter 1h/24h/Total |
minmax2300 r1/r24/rtotal config_filename |
If the config_filename parameter is omitted the program will look at the default paths.
See the open2300-dist.conf file for info
PHP Program
In version 0.7 I added a directory htdocs. It contains a simple PHP webpage that will fetch the current weather data directly from your station and show it on a nice webpage.
It will run on any webserver running PHP. Just copy the files to any directory in the web tree. The png and jpg files are small graphics used on the webpage to show forecast and tendency.
KennethLavrsen - 02 Jul 2005