Open2300 - Web Index
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Results from Open2300 web retrieved at 11:38 (GMT)

Answered Questions Headline Age Last Change
Questions Asked but Not Yet Answered: Headline Age Last Change
Assigned Bug To Name of person the bug resolution is assigned to. Use TWiki Name. e.g. Main.KennethLavrsen If the bug resolution is being done by a specific perso...
Who is in charge to find more information on the Question, for AssignedQuestions. His duty is to then change the Question status to either: * AnsweredQuestions...
Assigned Questions Headline Age Last Change * Assigned To *
Main.IraklisMathiopoulos 30 Oct 2007 I've been trying for 5 days now to install open2300 on the Axis 223M Network Camera. Its not easy (at least for me). However,...
r5 - 03 Nov 2007 - 17:24 by IraklisMathiopoulos
BUG: My ws2300 occasionally fails to reset. In that case the various programs print "Could not reset" to stderr and exit with exit code 0. This should be some sm...
BUG: Occasionally the WS2300 will lose communication with the external sensors. In this case, a large number of retries is performed. According to the source the...
NEW - 22 Sep 2005 - 16:43 by SteveSouth
BUG: mysql2300 may fail when daylight saving time ends. This is because the timstamp column is a unique key, and the value stored in it is local time. When DST e...
r3 - 10 Jun 2006 - 21:34 by OschenLars
BUG: From Johan Andersson user at Sourceforge Hi, There is a error in definition of the weather table used by mysql2300 program. The problem occurs only when the...
BUG: The rain_total field stored in histlog2300 shows the wrong value. Line 230 has to be changed to sprintf(logline,".2f ", logline, rain_total(ws2300, conf...
BUG: Running Open2300 v1.10 under FreeBSD 6.0 produces: Serial device is locked by other program : Operation not supported First I thought changes in FreeBSD wer...
r4 - 11 Feb 2007 - 21:44 by DiomidisSpinellis
BUG: I have some trouble with the histlog stuff. The problem is my workstations does not run all days. When I switch it on mostly at the weekend I would like...
NEW - 18 Feb 2006 - 13:55 by OschenLars
BUG: Something on wunderground's server has changed, it is not accepting data from wu2300 any more. (my last good data submitted with the 1.10 version of wu230...
BUG: When the station lose commmunication with external captors, it displays ' ' on the screen. In this case, mysql2300 return really big values (ex : 25 m/s for...
r4 - 25 Mar 2007 - 18:56 by OschenLars
BUG: when mysql2300 is done with putting data in the database it does not close the connection. mysqlclose(); should be implemented asap! tcp 0 0 tor...
BUG: mysql2300 reporting the rel pressure as 999.9 every time. However, fetch2300 reports it correctly as the web page displays everything correctly. I never not...
r3 - 19 Nov 2006 - 09:39 by OschenLars
BUG: many errors !! Test case root@server:/home/john/open2300# make install mkdir p /usr/local/bin install open2300 /usr/local/bin install: cannot stat `open23...
r3 - 01 May 2008 - 08:49 by RodrigoOliveira
BUG: I'm getting reports of errors in the data. here is a line of data that I'm sending out K4MQF 2 APRS,TCPXX*,qAX,PHXWX:@030002z38.11.20N/07746.02W_225/000t04...
BUG: Due to changes in the SVN Tree, the create tablescript is outdated. Affected: mysql2300.sql, mysql2003.c This one works for me. CREATE TABLE `weather` ( `...
BUG: When submitting daily rainfall data to weather underground, wu2300 uses the total rainfall from last 24 hours but should submit the total amount of rainfal...
r3 - 30 Dec 2007 - 23:36 by GrantGardner
BUG: The default time structure when log file is not found or empty uses "1990" as a century value. It should be 90, or more strictly 70, as it is later used in ...
BUG: I have Problems with mysqlhistlog2300. My workstation shutdowns at 01:30 am and start at 05:25 am. During the processing time cron starts every five minutes...
r3 - 01 Mar 2008 - 10:26 by OschenLars
BUG: In Open 2300 V1.10 / Linux version only the default servers defined in rw2300.c are used. This is a little bug inside get_configuration of library rw2300.c ...
NEW - 25 May 2008 - 22:19 by DL1FAC
BUG: Daylight savings time is not taken into consideration when reporting the UTC time to weather underground. Test case Run wu2300 when daylight savings time i...
NEW - 07 Aug 2008 - 05:45 by RexWheeler
BUG: You need to change line: UNIQUE KEY `timestamp` (`timestamp`) by: UNIQUE KEY `datetime` (`datetime`) or by UNIQUE KEY `timestamp` (`datetime`) in mysql2300....
NEW - 03 Sep 2008 - 22:33 by KiwiHC16
BUG: I have a WS 2310 11STWC and the software (Open2300 version 1.10) doesn't seem to perform as expected. Basically, the XML output looks ok, but most of the ot...
NEW - 02 Jan 2009 - 23:33 by JeffPoole
BUG: In CWOP, the servers for registered Radio Amateur users need a verification code to accept data. sprintf(buffer,"user %s pass 1 vers open2300 %s\n", config...
r3 - 15 Feb 2014 - 22:46 by JamesPerkins
BUG: In usage description, explanation links to light2300 insteatd of interval2300. light2300 does not work at all Test case run interval2300 without parameters...
NEW - 05 Sep 2009 - 17:31 by BobSprenger
BUG: when you try to retrieve data from the station's datalogger it won't get anything. histlog2300 runs just for 1 second and then it closes itself. The other t...
NEW - 14 Oct 2009 - 13:42 by SandroAntonucci
BUG: I use open2300 from SVN. config file is the default one. ~ # open2300 0x376 r 1 Read Commands sent: 82 8E 9E 9A C6 Address: 0377 0376 Data: AA open2300 s...
NEW - 30 Nov 2009 - 16:46 by RonanSALMON
BUG: Wind speed is always displayed in m/s despite configuration (Km/h...). Thanks Pierre Test case Environment Open2300 version: 1.10 Shared librari...
NEW - 02 Jun 2010 - 05:52 by PierreCasal
BUG: The code: { //if no valid log we set the date to 1 Jan 1990 0:00 time_lastlog_tm.tm_year = 1990; should read: { //if no valid log we set the date to 1 Jan 1...
NEW - 12 Aug 2010 - 12:52 by GregRobsonGarth
BUG: Thank for your software i used it on each minute fetch2300.exe mimmax2300 wboth r1 fetch work perfect but minimax2300 work only some time i m not arrived to...
NEW - 07 Nov 2010 - 20:22 by TodacMatthieu
BUG: When one of the weather programs is already accessing the serial port of the weather station and you attempt to run another program you get the error "Seria...
NEW - 16 Jul 2011 - 19:51 by GatorY
BUG: I know this bug has been reported before but I haven't found a suitable explanation. I have observed a slow response when running the fetch2300 and similar ...
NEW - 01 Apr 2013 - 15:29 by SaberCat
BUG: Password struct in rw2300.h is defined as char mysql_passwd 25 If mysql password is set in the config file it gets copied over unconditionally without any ...
NEW - 01 Apr 2014 - 10:52 by AxelEble
BUG: On fast machines with USB Serial adapters reading and writing fails. In rw2300.c read_data() and write_data() fails I have added some usleep( 10000 ) befor...
NEW - 04 Feb 2015 - 08:27 by TomasJensen
BUG: Moving Open2300 to a Raspberry Pi 2 model B. ~ $ cat /etc/issue Raspbian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l ~ $ uname a Linux RasPi 3.18.11 v7 #781 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 2...
NEW - 04 Jun 2015 - 00:40 by JamieBrown
BUG: Since WS 2357 (the unit I'm running) has outdoor temperature limits of: Indoor temperature #x25CF; From 9.9 °C to 59.9 °C Outdoor temperature #x25CF; Fro...
NEW - 18 Jan 2016 - 08:32 by HQJaTu
BUG: ENV is open2300 ver. 1.12 running at OpenWRT 14.07 on TP WDR4300 WiFi router. Weather station is connected by USB to Serial adapter based on PL2303. I use l...
r2 - 22 Sep 2016 - 10:52 by RomanPavlik
Form Definition Bug Reports Name:* *Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: TopicTitle text 70 The title is shown in the tables BugStatus ...
%NOP{ * Note: Do not edit this topic, file a bug in BugReports * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup }% BUG: Test case Environment Open2300 ...
Bug Reports The Open2300 TWiki Bug Reporting is here for you if wish to report a bug in Open2300. New Bugs Not yet assigned to anyone. Headline Submitted By...
Bug Status There are few status fields in the Motion bug reports to keep things simple. * New: New bugs, bugs not yet resolved are in this state * Assigned:...
Cacti used to show Open2300 data Cacti, from or your package manager, is a Linux program for collecting and graphing data. This is a demonstration ...
r6 - 07 Feb 2012 - 13:16 by JbdivxC
Closed Unanswered Questions Headline Age Last Change
Compiling Open2300 with MinGW on Windows This topic described the exact steps that you need to take to compile Open2300 on Windows. You will be guided step by ste...
r2 - 21 Aug 2009 - 10:09 by RaphaelD
#SubmitNewBug Submit New Bug Report This form starts a new topic for each bug. * Consider filing a Support Request unless you are very sure you have found a...
#SubmitNewFeatureRequest Submit New Feature Request This form creates a new TWiki topic for each feature request. * Read through all the existing feature re...
Create New Patch Topic To post a new patch all you have to do is to fill out the form below and submit it. Note that the topic name must be a TWiki.WikiWord. To...
Create New Related Project Topic To post a new project related to Motion all you have to do is to fill out the form below and submit it. You do not have to use th...
Ask a Support Question: Before you ask a question, please check: * User Guide Describes how to use the programs. * Installation Guide Describes ...
CWOP Passcode Patch Introduction #xFEFF; #xFEFF;The Citizen Weather Observer Program that cw2300 supports has been returning "logresp station unverified" and ...
NEW - 15 Feb 2014 - 20:54 by JamesPerkins
Database Structure Patch Redefine database structure for common values Introduction The current database structure for mysql fails as some typical value can not ...
r5 - 14 Apr 2009 - 21:00 by JanNoorlandt
This patch is to use mysql2300 over windows. The pre requit is the libmysql.dll which can be found on the mysql site. mysql2300.c mysql2300.exe libmysql.dll
Modify the code to use the linux curl libraries to deliver data to the Weather Underground Site Introduction The current code, which talks to the weather undergr...
NEW - 26 Dec 2008 - 04:17 by SteveHoldoway
Downloads Open2300 is published under the GNU Public License version 2 or later. skip the current version 1.10 verion files and go to the Subversion (SVN) fi...
r13 - 19 Nov 2010 - 04:37 by GregFreemyer
Configuration Dumping Tool Introduction This patch adds a tool dumpconfig2300 that prints out the configuration found using the normal search paths. Description...
NEW - 17 Nov 2010 - 09:31 by WesleyMoore
Patch Title Dynamic rain offset calculation Introduction Several times is was reported that the WS2300 has different value for rain_total. The value displayed ...
r3 - 01 Mar 2008 - 18:26 by OschenLars
Empty File Support Introduction If called with an empty logfile histlog2300 fails to run. Description of Patch The else part of the date check routine has an e...
Feature Request: Description When I use minmax2300 it resets all counters. I would like to be able to reset individual counters/functions when an error occurs t...
Feature Request: Description I'm a newbie in php development. Then, I could rewrite my PHP page for having my WS2300 info displayed on my PC or my Smartphone, f...
NEW - 03 Jul 2005 - 22:02 by PierreLagrange
Feature Request: Description The format argument should work like the FORMAT argument of the unix date(1) command. This will allow total control of the output f...
r2 - 18 Jul 2010 - 18:43 by BobMertz
Feature Request: Description Hi I am the operator of the automatic weather map network AWEKAS ( It would be graet if your software can export a ...
r2 - 23 Aug 2005 - 09:09 by PeterKnoppers
Feature Request: Description Hello; I was going to start coding up a 'vws2300' that will output the CVS format used by Virtual Weather Station.... That is, unl...
Feature Request: Description The current set of data reading functions block a for long time trying to talk to the WS2300. If after this period they have not be...
Feature Request: Description Hi ! It would realy help if this soft was available as a port for FreeBSD, can you think about it ? Thanks links : http://freebsd.o...
Feature Request: Description Does this exist? If not, it would be a very useful addition for those of us who don't use C as our primary language. In my case, ...
r5 - 26 Jul 2007 - 18:37 by SteveHeffern
Feature Request: Description Overview: If you own a ws2300 weather station (ws22310, ws2315, etc.), operate it in a wired mode, and use the Virtual Weather Sta...
NEW - 14 Apr 2006 - 20:19 by KurtLinebaugh
Feature Request: Description I would like to have the Min/Max values in mysql2300. So that it gets exported to my mysql database. Main.LarsdeBruinJohansen 0...
r2 - 04 Nov 2007 - 13:35 by PatrikKastel
Feature Request: Description this would be almost essential to me, as i use a product called hameweather that needs to take personal weather station info from w...
r3 - 22 Jul 2006 - 21:55 by JosephLobocki
Feature Request: Description im sorry my language is not as good as yours, i am from america and we all dont know how to speak. i was wrong, it was not weatherf...
r6 - 30 Jul 2006 - 21:46 by MatthewHunt
Feature Request: Description Hello, Is it possible to store the differents alarms of the WS23xx weatherstations in MySQL Database, it would be great for display...
NEW - 04 Apr 2007 - 15:26 by SiegfriedMarechal
Feature Request: Description Hi, The current version of open2300 (1.10) works partially under FreeBSD. The old version (1.8) can evidently be made to work by c...
r3 - 11 Nov 2008 - 09:49 by JohnHay
Feature Request: Description Hey! it would be very useful to be able to choose to store the timestamp when usning mysql2300 in the unix timestamp format rather ...
NEW - 04 Nov 2007 - 13:29 by PatrikKastel
Feature Request: Description reading through this site and the innovation of putting the code on a network drive made me think about using a router to do it. I'...
Feature Request: Description Hallo, just wondering if is possible to compile/use this thing on Irix 6.5 ? Because using it for example on SGI Indy will be a per...
NEW - 23 May 2008 - 07:55 by DamirBuljan
Feature Request: Description I guess with the data all ready some one could make a nice index.html to show all the weather data like the heavy weather does. But...
r2 - 25 May 2008 - 09:47 by RaymondDay
Feature Request: Description He I Have done a program that extract info into a lst file that is compatible with Heavy Weather Publisher. With this script, you c...
NEW - 10 Dec 2008 - 10:28 by GuenneguezThomas
Feature Request: Description I have open2300 and weathergraphs running on a nsul2 debian etch box. However due to the slow processor and little ram, especially...
NEW - 02 Feb 2009 - 07:26 by MichaelPhillips
Feature Request: Description He, I have compile mysql2300 over windows. It required a dll "libmysql.dll". I have modify some line in the mysql2300.c to be able ...
NEW - 31 Aug 2009 - 12:49 by GuenneguezThomas
Feature Request: Description Hello, I have successfully adapted open2300 V1.11 to the WS2357 USB station on ubuntu 12.04.3 32bits. Please note that I only use ...
r2 - 20 Oct 2013 - 06:57 by PascalMalaise
Feature Request: Description Hi. I am trying to connect a WS3600 station to a Raspberry Pi board running Wheezy Debian. I was able to compile the fetch2300 pack...
NEW - 01 Jan 2014 - 19:13 by FedericoMartini
Feature Request: Description The Citizen Weather Observer Program that cw2300 supports has been returning "logresp station unverified" and refusing to accept ...
NEW - 15 Feb 2014 - 20:46 by JamesPerkins
Form Definition Feature Requests Name:* *Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: TopicTitle text 70 The title is shown in the tables Feature...
Feature Request Status * New Submitted but noone has decided on it. * Discussion Feature is being discussed. Participate by editing the topic. You can s...
%NOP{ * Note: Do not edit this topic. Go to FeatureRequests * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup }% Feature Request: Description Follow up ...
Feature Requests from Users This topic has been changed to a more user friendly Twiki application with submit form and a topic with comment field and form for ea...
Patch Title Introduction I took a look at a problem open2300 user often faced: there was a difference between rain_total in the history and the current value.Som...
r3 - 08 Mar 2008 - 18:06 by OschenLars
Frequently Asked Questions about Open2300 How do I add a question and answer to this FAQ? Just hit the edit button and add a question in the same format as this ...
r12 - 01 Dec 2009 - 22:52 by DrLizAu
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 Mass Ave, Camb...
Get UTC From System for CW2300 and WU2300 Introduction Get UTC from system to avoid offset errors. Description of Patch When ever daylight savings time changes ...
r2 - 10 Feb 2014 - 12:48 by BenLye
GnuPlot WeatherGraphs Introduction This is just another way to display open2300 weather data on a website Installation You need a webserver able to run GnuPlot ...
r3 - 14 Sep 2007 - 10:10 by PatrickForster
Main.SteveHoldoway 26 Dec 2008
NEW - 26 Dec 2008 - 04:19 by SteveHoldoway
Gust Patch Introduction I have a patch to report gusts on wu2300 but there's no way that i can see to attach it to the site. Description of Patch Installation ...
Patch Title HamweatherPatch Introduction Patch to add a version of wu2300 program that builds an URL to send to Also adds the necessary configurat...
r9 - 01 Aug 2006 - 22:51 by MatthewHunt
Patch Title Hamweather patches to the subversion (trunk, revision 3) sources. Adds the ham2300.c program. Introduction This patch adds a new program, ham2300, to...
r3 - 15 Nov 2006 - 02:51 by JosephLobocki
Histlog To Mysql Introduction Not a patch but a new program. Description of Patch Read all data from WS2300 memory and store them in the open2300 mysql datastru...
Installation Guide How to install open2300 Placing the config file in the right directory First copy the open2300.conf dist file to a location where you want the...
I'm a kite surfer. What interests us more is Wind, in particular its variations (gusts...) I had to add Wind_max and wind_mini to the mysql database. I also wante...
r2 - 24 Jan 2008 - 00:22 by PatrickAnthropo
Mailing List Open2300 currently uses a Yahoo Group and its mailing list. * The mails address is * L...
Metrohub Introduction Meteohub reads data from a WS2300 data extraction tool derived from the open2300 project Modification of the code (including pasting functi...
ModBus ModBus is a simple data exchange protocol created by Modicon. It is used in industrial data acquisition environments and is known for its simplicity and s...
ModBus support for WS2300 data acquisition Introduction This utility acts as a daemon, listening for connections then honoring specific ModBus requests for WS230...
MySQL Table Name Introduction Actually, when using mysql2300 and mysqlhistlog2300, you can't change the name of the table. Description of Patch Like pgsql2300, ...
r2 - 02 Nov 2010 - 11:53 by BmDOnline
Change of MySQL timestamp fields. New mysql2300 release Introduction This Patch is a little enhancement of mysql2300 program. It removes 2 redundant fields and l...
Mysql Patch 2 Introduction Current Mysql database schema is not up to date with sources Description of Patch This patch makes mysqlhistlog2300.c mysql2300.c mys...
Reduce execution time and mysql/ws2300 queries Introduction Optimize the delay and execution time of mysqlhistlog23000, and also indicate what is done (be verbos...
r2 - 22 Nov 2011 - 11:26 by OschenLars
Enable operation on systems that have a blocking open Introduction On some systems (certainly on Slackware 7.1.0), a call to open for a serial port will not retu...
r5 - 04 May 2015 - 16:24 by JohnBerry
NotScheduled The patch is not (or not yet) scheduled to be included in a motion version. Main.KennethLavrsen 26 Sep 2004
I used to have my WS2300 located right next to a small, dedicated server running Windows XP. Connecting the weather station to the server, and the server to my ho...
r7 - 27 Sep 2008 - 09:25 by JanNord
Open2300 C Version Introduction Starting with open2300 v 1.10, I am doing an Object Oriented Design into C . I am relying totally on the logic, procedures, and...
r2 - 20 Aug 2005 - 21:44 by JimCollins
OpenJ2300 Introduction OpenJ2300 is a pure Java program to control the LaCrosse Technology series 2300 weather stations. The API is based on and follows the Open...
r21 - 21 Apr 2016 - 10:08 by OschenLars
OpenJaWS Open Java Weather Station Introduction Java based application for managing readings from weather stations. Starting with support for the WS2300 series b...
r2 - 15 Mar 2009 - 05:38 by DrLizAu
Interface / API Description for WS 23XX This document is unofficial and contains information that owners of the WS 23XX have collected by experiments. The purpose...
r5 - 04 Apr 2011 - 09:03 by PetrBrouzda
Open2300 Description Open2300 is a package of software tools that reads (and writes) data from a Lacrosse WS2300/WS2305/WS2310/WS2315 Weather Station. It includes...
r3 - 13 Sep 2011 - 17:17 by MariaThuroczy
Links to Working Weather Stations driven by Open2300 You are very welcome to add a link and short description of your weather station below. Weather at Jim's Pho...
r41 - 16 Mar 2016 - 13:50 by TomasJensen
MEMORY MAP FOR WS 2300 This is the currently known memory map of a WS23XX weather station. If you find more information please add it to the table. Do not be afra...
r17 - 14 Mar 2008 - 02:29 by BradNeedham
Patches for Open2300 Patches Planned Patch Summary Submitted By Topic Last Updated Patches in Progress Patch Summary Submitted By Topic Last Updat...
Open2300 Snapshot Releases None yet Main.KennethLavrsen 02 Jul 2005
OpenWeather Windows GUI Introduction OpenWeather is a user interface for Open2300. OpenWeather is compiled for windows. Besides beeing a user interface it also g...
r2 - 15 May 2010 - 10:15 by RikardAgrell
Optimize For VWS Optimize open2300 for use with Virtual Weather Station software Introduction If you own a ws2300 weather station (ws2310, ws2315, etc.), operat...
r5 - 15 Apr 2014 - 15:49 by EricTenne
Patch Cancelled Patch is cancelled. There can be many reasons. * no time to do it * does not work * alternative patch is better * another good reason ...
Patch Dependencies If this patch depends on other patches to be installed first please list them here. Main.KennethLavrsen 26 Sep 2004
Patch Title Introduction Description of Patch Installation of Patch Change History of Patch Discussion and Comments
Patch for Open2300 Version The version of Open2300 for which this patch is made. It may work on earlier or later versions but this is the release that the patch w...
Form Definition Patch Topics Name:* *Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: PatchStatus select 1 PlannedPatch, PatchInProgress, PatchTesting, Rel...
Patch Handled By Name of person that merges the patch into the main code. Most often Main.KennethLavrsen but could be assigned to someone else. Main.KennethLavr...
Patch In Progress Patch is being coded but no files released yet. Topic is open for discussion of the feature Main.KennethLavrsen 26 Sep 2004
Patch Status The status of the patch. * PlannedPatch Patch is planned but not yet coded * PatchInProgress Patch is being coded but no files released yet...
Patch Submitted By Name (Use the format Main.WikiName) of the person that submitted the patch Main.KennethLavrsen 26 Sep 2004
Patch under Testing Patch is released and being tested. You are encouraged to report your test results in the patch topic. Main.KennethLavrsen 26 Sep 2004
Patch Version (optional) You can assign a version to the patch if you plan to make many releases of it. This is optional since TWiki keeps its version numbering a...
Planned Patch Patch is planned but no files are released yet. The topic may have been started to discuss the feature. Main.KennethLavrsen 26 Sep 2004
Status of Project * Planning no files yet You can use topic to ask for help * Alpha Early version Maybe only with limited features * Beta Versi...
Submitter of project You can be the author or you can simply submit a reference to a project that you think is relevant with Motion. If you are registered on the ...
One line project summary Describe project with one line (max 100 characters). Used for list of projects Main.KennethLavrsen 04 Oct 2004
Python data store for open2300 Introduction Provides a python framework for handing data from open2300 Detailed Description Can write to multiple sources includ...
NEW - 11 Jan 2007 - 05:37 by NigelSim
Rain Offset By Config File Introduction The rain value in the history area (used by histlog2300 and mysqlhistlog2300) might differ from the current values. Kenne...
Patch Title Recalculate rain_1h and rain_24h when using mysqlhistlog2300 Introduction When using mysqlhistlog2300 or histlog2300 no values for rain_1h and rain_2...
NEW - 25 Nov 2007 - 16:04 by OschenLars
Projects Related to Open2300 This topic lists all the projects that are somehow related to Open2300. * Web frontends, Projects that includes Open2300, Scripts ...
r2 - 13 Sep 2011 - 17:18 by MariaThuroczy
Form Definition Related Projects Name:* *Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: ProjectSummary text 100 One line summary of project Projec...
(Replace this text by a short headline for your project) Introduction Please introduce your project. What does it do? Detailed Description Give more details as...
Release Notes for Motion Releases in Sourceforge As a supplement to the release notes on Sourceforge I have decided to create an additional Motion Wiki Release No...
Released version This is optional. If the topic points to an external page and you do not plan to keep this topic up to date, just leave this blank. Main.Kennet...
Patch Included in Motion The patch is now part of the official Motion. This also means that the patch file is no longer recommended. Instead you should upgrade yo...
Released but Not Included Patch has been released but it is not included in any Motion version and there is no plan for it. The reason for this can be. * Patch...
Patch Released in Motion Snapshot Patch is complete and will be included in the next version of Motion. It is available for final testing in a Motion Snapshot Rel...
Roadmap for Open2300 The roadmap for Open2300 is continuously being updated and it highly driven by Feature Requests and ideas from the regular programmer. D...
Scheduled for Open2300 Version The version of Open2300 that this patch is scheduled to be included in. Name Type Tooltip message NotScheduled option ...
Serial Port Lock File Patch Introduction Patch from Sourceforge tracker from anonymous user. Tries to address the problem of blocked serial port. Description of...
r3 - 04 May 2015 - 16:19 by JohnBerry
Set Time From Server Synchronise WS2300 time from the PC clock Introduction For those of us not in reach of DCF (eg me Sydney, Australia) it would be handy to ...
r5 - 12 Nov 2008 - 09:10 by JohnHay
Skip Data Rubbish Prevent from adding nonsense data Introduction Sometimes the transmissions between the sensors and the display fails. Data is then completely u...
SQlite Logger Introduction This patch adds a tool, 'sqlitelog2300' that will log weather data to an SQLite database. A schema file is included that can be used t...
NEW - 17 Nov 2010 - 09:37 by WesleyMoore
Modifications of WS23XX Weather Stations Kenneth Lavrsen's Wind Sensor Modification Uncle Richy's Cat5 WS2300 ...
r4 - 03 Oct 2009 - 16:23 by UncleRichy
Submitted By Name of the person that submits the original topic (submit question, bug report etc). If you have a TWiki name use this in the format Main.KennethLav...
Open2300 on Subversion (SVN) To give all more instant access to the updated code I have created a Subversion (SVN) repository. Subversion is a software version co...
r2 - 01 Aug 2006 - 22:25 by MatthewHunt
%NOP{ * Note: Do not edit this topic, ask a question in WebHome * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = Main.TWikiAdminGroup }% Question Environment Open2300 version:...
Form Definition Support Questions Name:* *Type: Size: Values: Tooltip message: TopicTitle text 70 The title is shown in the tables Suppor...
Open2300 Support Guidelines Open2300 support is provided by users and developers in their spare time nobody is paid to do this. So it's important that you prov...
Question DIGI_NED is running as a APRS WX station on a old 386 PC with DR DOS 7.03. It run from a bootable floppy and make a ramdisk where the programs run. I nee...
Question Feel free to back hand if I did not include all the info you need, but I basically can't seem to find where the format of the log2300 file is stated. I w...
Question Not sure if this is a bug or whether I am not doing something obvious, but I am having a few difficulties with the rainfall output using histlog. I have ...
r3 - 19 Nov 2006 - 08:59 by OschenLars
Question Hi, I have the open2300 package working great with my WS 2317 system. I also have the weathergraphs package mostly working, but having problems with the ...
Question Hello. I have been having a difficult time trying to get the xml2300 utility to work with my 2310 Weather station. I have installed HeavyWeather 2.0 Beta...
Question I have been bumbling around trying to resolve this problem with XML2300 and open2300. I am running WinXp Sp2, HeavyWeather 2.0 Beta, and a WS2315 statio...
Question How do you install mysql2300.sql in mysql? The directions say to install it in mysql but don't really explain how to do this. I am attempting to use th...
r3 - 25 Jan 2007 - 02:30 by DraconisRex
Question I have a WS2300 and I would like to use it on a Mac working under OS X 10.3.9 but I am not skilled in Unix practice. So I would like to know : 1. Out of ...
r3 - 08 Mar 2006 - 06:08 by PeterTattersall
Question I have a WS 8610U, not one of the La Crosse models mentioned. When I try to run an open2300 application, it pauses for a while, then prints "Could not re...
NEW - 23 Feb 2006 - 07:11 by DougBrown
Question Hi all, How will I have to modify the Makefile to get mysql2300 running on a Linux Box with XAMPP ? Trying to install gave me : # make mysql2300 gcc Wal...
r4 - 11 Mar 2006 - 14:39 by ClemensKlimczok
Question Hi Kenneth, thanks for your quick reply. XAMPP is an apache mysql php perl bundle. I did not install mysql using RPMs, but I guess mysql was installed ...
NEW - 18 Mar 2006 - 21:18 by ClemensKlimczok
Question I try to connect a heavyweather WS2300 station to the free2move bluetooth RS232 connector. This fails as the WS2300 doesn #8217;t use the ground signal. ...
NEW - 13 Apr 2006 - 12:38 by AndersSvensson
Question Im running WD and imports data from consol (WS 2305). I have a lot of trouble importning my data. Sometimes it takes 10 restarts before i works. Sometim...
NEW - 16 Apr 2006 - 14:59 by JwWd
Question Hello. I did the same question before, but I don't see it in the twiki, so maybe I have done something wrong. I will try to explain again. First of all, ...
Question Is Open2300 software probed for 2308 station?. I mean, is the memory map of 2308 the same that the 2300/2305/2310/2315 series? In this twiki is only list...
r2 - 26 Dec 2006 - 15:27 by SteffenE
Question This fix needs to be incorporated for WU2300 to function. Thanks for the great code!! Environment Open2300 version: 1.10 Libraries: m...
NEW - 19 May 2006 - 22:53 by BobHillis
Question The Windspeed readed from my WS2300 is to slow. When the station shows a windsped of 8 km/h on it's display, the log2300 reads only a value of 2.2 km/h. ...
Question Is there any way i can make a remote server run the xml2003.exe and make it get the data from the weather station i keep here at home? I fear the only wa...
r4 - 26 Jan 2007 - 17:45 by DraconisRex
Question Hi I have attached my weather 2305 station to an USB Serial adapter Prolific 2303. The adapter is correctly recognized by OS (Linux Ubuntu 5.10 kernel ...
r6 - 25 Jan 2007 - 01:38 by DraconisRex
Question i tried to install on ubuntu, and i get "ham2300.c:147: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of âsprintfâ differ in signedness", but it install...
Question I want to use the win binary as supplied in the download. The Operating System is W2K3 Server. Copied the exe and the config file to the directory where ...
NEW - 07 Nov 2006 - 18:00 by MartinKoster
Question I got a 2308 for Christmas, and I downloaded and compiled the open2300 package on my Mandriva Linux system without any problems, however when I run any o...
r3 - 16 Nov 2011 - 17:11 by MonteFreeman
Question hello, I've searched for an identical problem but aen't found what causes this I'm running mandriva2007 and I think i got the necessara libraries but whe...
Question hello, after your previous answer I did just like you said and installed svn version. it compiled without error. thank you. now I have the following pro...
r2 - 25 Mar 2007 - 18:54 by OschenLars
Question Hi ( sorry for my english but i think you understand ) . i have a problem with open2300 . i use open2300 with no problems and it' s a very good tool . i...
NEW - 18 Feb 2007 - 11:26 by MarioGrossi
Question i can't compile mysql2300. on putty i get this kind of error's /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(viosslfactories.o)(.text 0x5af): In function `new_VioSSLAc...
NEW - 18 Jun 2007 - 12:51 by DanIel
Question I have been using Open2300 1.10 with Mandrake 10 with no problems. I recently reloaded the same hardware to CentOS 5 (stock kernel version 2.6.18 8.1.8....
Question After setting up the weather station and having been struck by the schema errors (decimal definitions) and a connectivity error (mysql2300 does not yet d...
r2 - 06 Aug 2007 - 05:27 by KimmoKoskinen
Question This may be a bug but I will ask here first. cw2300 is always connecting to on port 23 regardless of the servers listed in ...
r3 - 08 May 2008 - 22:15 by StanCrump
Question Hi, i installed open2003 on a linux server with mysql support. before i will buy a ws 2003 matrix i just wanna check if the installation works well. but ...
r2 - 25 Nov 2007 - 17:45 by OschenLars
Question hi, i run with windows xp. i do alll you say on uour guide, but at the end, i don't have the "win2300.exe" is it normally ?? have you it can you send t...
NEW - 05 Nov 2007 - 03:25 by PatrickP
Question Usage question for anyone who might know. I have a WS 2316 purchased from Costco. Works pretty well, but I notice that it does something rather dumb. It...
NEW - 20 Nov 2007 - 00:06 by RyanStasel
Question Hy, It seem's that the current version doesn't work with WS2500 Station. Is it normal. Have you got a solution ? Thanks Thomas Environment Open2300 v...
NEW - 28 Nov 2007 - 08:40 by GuenneguezThomas
Question Hello, I have installed open2300 because I have a WS2305 station...when I do from shell "open2300" I have this errore message: "unable to initial serial ...
NEW - 07 Dec 2007 - 16:00 by CyberRevolution
Question open2300 mysql database is only showing 99.9 maximum temperature Environment Open2300 version: 1.10 Libraries: mysql, postgresql Serv...
r2 - 01 Mar 2008 - 10:18 by OschenLars
Question Hi, I've been using open2300 project for 2 years on a WS2300 weather station, i'm running it on a old Pentium 3 (700mhz). I had like no problem during al...
r2 - 28 Jul 2008 - 09:33 by EDeVito
Question I'm a s Linux newbie (I'm using Ubuntu 7.1) and I'm not able to solve the problem that I have with make, can someone help me? Thanks, Gimmy code guido@...
NEW - 02 Feb 2008 - 14:55 by GimmyMallo
Question I'm looking for my first weatherstation and it seems that this is maybee the only Opensource sw available for Linux. As the sw is created for some specif...
r3 - 02 Sep 2008 - 21:06 by KiwiHC16
Question Hello, I am trying to get this software to work on my XP machine. I have: Open OS 1.10 Win XP Pro SP2 La Crosse 2300 connected via Com1 When I run an...
NEW - 08 Apr 2008 - 03:50 by GregGreg
Question Hello I live in Auckland, New Zealand and there is no radio controlled time signal that my LaCrosse WS2350 is able to find to automatically update the da...
r2 - 27 Apr 2008 - 22:08 by GrantGardner
Question $ time fetch2300 xxx real 3m55.682s user 0m0.012s sys 0m0.332s Also, $ light2300 on Doesn't do anything at all. Environment Open2300 version: 1.1...
NEW - 21 May 2008 - 12:38 by RickRichardson
Question I would like to create the BDD with pgsql. But there is only a mysql23200.sql file to create mysql BDD/table. How can I do to create the BDD/table under ...
r2 - 18 Jul 2008 - 11:50 by EDeVito
Question In CWOP, the servers for registered Radio Amateur users need a verification code to accept data. In win2300.c : I had to modify the "pass" value in funct...
NEW - 13 Aug 2008 - 09:56 by PaulGogan
Question light2300 don't work. And You? fetch2300,histlog2300 work. This is the info written on the weatherstation: ws 2300 11 01/2007 V23 S A Environment Ope...
r2 - 27 Dec 2008 - 00:00 by BenoitB
Question Hey guys, I have a problem with a ws2350 connected by a com port to my soekris net4801 (wich is running a debian system on a compact flash card). When I ...
r2 - 31 Dec 2008 - 12:12 by GillesLoriquer
Question System: WS2300 Thinkpad X41 Ubuntu 8.10 histlog2300 v. 1.10 Running histlog2300 takes a few minutes, output then includes all data records, but onl...
r3 - 13 Jan 2009 - 14:00 by LjJr
Question I have a WS2300 and I would like to use it under Openwrt 8.09.I use the package: open2300_1.11_mipsel.ipk The installation takes place without errors. Wi...
NEW - 08 Sep 2009 - 12:16 by FrankKneip
Question when you try to retrieve data from the station's datalogger it won't get anything. histlog2300 runs just for 1 second and then it closes itself. The othe...
NEW - 13 Oct 2009 - 20:03 by SandroAntonucci
Question Hi there, I've been using open2300 for a couple of weeks with a WS 2350. I've noticed that there's a difference between the maximum wind speed displayed ...
r3 - 22 Nov 2011 - 11:15 by OschenLars
Question Trying to install open2300 with Ubuntu 9.10. When I enter "make install", I get the following error: ouroasis@ouroasis:~/open2300 1.10$ make install mkdi...
NEW - 15 Feb 2010 - 02:33 by MattParker
Question Hello, I observed that occasionally bad data is in the fields outputted by log2300: 20100821221013 2010 Aug 21 22:10:13 27.2 20.9 16.5 56 76 0.0 315.0 NW...
NEW - 21 Sep 2010 - 16:44 by MichaelPuetz
Question I had installed open2300 via optware on my NAS box, and change the open2300.conf to fit my seriel port. I got this in return when I started open2300 ** U...
r3 - 22 Nov 2011 - 11:14 by OschenLars
Question Although the LaCrosse weahter stations send rain data in a "last 24 hours" format, the Weather Underground website assumes that the rain information is a...
NEW - 22 Mar 2011 - 19:29 by AlanHagge
Question Hi I have a question, I'm using OS Linux Gentoo, and the weather station ws2300, i go to de command line and i make $: ./log2300 test open2300.conf $: mo...
NEW - 27 May 2011 - 10:52 by DiogoBile
Question I have a problem with myslqhistlog2300 . Normally I use mysql2300 for store values but sometimes with downtime of my server is useful to restore data fro...
r2 - 22 Nov 2011 - 11:10 by OschenLars
Question I am just getting started with this. I downloaded open2300 V1.11, and installed mingw (C compiler). I did make f windows makefile and got this: ld: cann...
r2 - 20 Aug 2012 - 02:05 by ArnoldGoat
Question Open2300 is really a wonderful program. Many reasons reach me to install open2300 on my Raspberry Pi. I tried an installation from open2300 1.10.tar.gz (...
NEW - 28 Dec 2012 - 11:22 by RMiMercier
Question Around 12:10 on 5/10/2013 for some reason wunderground was no longer charting the weather data I had been uploading for almost a year using wu2300 1.10 r...
NEW - 06 Dec 2013 - 10:35 by FraserB
Support The TWiki Support pages are here for you if you have a technical question or any question about the use of . is free software and does not include suppor...
Support questions have this status: * AskedQuestions: See the new questions that have not yet been answered * AssignedQuestions: Under investigation by the ...
NEW - 31 Mar 2013 - 16:29 by SaberCat
Topic Title Give the topic a title which is reasy to recognize in a table of topics. Main.KennethLavrsen 21 Oct 2004
LaCrosse 2300 series weather stations are provided with a serial cable, and newer computers are less likely to have a serial interface. A USB serial converter off...
r9 - 31 Mar 2013 - 16:32 by SaberCat
Upload To Multiple Data Receivers Introduction Upload WS2300 weather station data to various receivers. This application currently supports sending data to Weat...
NEW - 06 Apr 2007 - 05:32 by RobertRice
User Guide How to use the programs: All the programs now uses a config file to get information like COM port (serial device name), preferred units of dimensions,...
r6 - 14 Mar 2009 - 22:35 by DrLizAu
Weathergraphs.php Weather Graphs made on the fly by PHP Introduction Please introduce your project. What does it do? Detailed Description Weathergraphs version...
r3 - 20 Jul 2008 - 16:46 by MichaelPhillips
Weather Underground Rapid Fire Patch Introduction This patch creates a new binary 'wu2300_RapidFire' which is a daemon that opens the weather station port, grabs...
r6 - 05 Feb 2008 - 00:06 by GregBolte
Fix submission to Weather Underground Introduction Currently wu2300.c doesn't seem to be able to communicate with Weather Underground. Weather data doesn't get ...
Foswiki's Open2300 web
NEW - 09 Jan 2009 - 12:00 by ProjectContributor
NEW - 16 Aug 2001 - 19:58 by PeterThoeny
Welcome to the home of Open2300. This site contains documentation, FAQ, and lots of other resources related to Open2300. Project is no longer maintained This wik...
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r2 - 24 Nov 2001 - 11:41 by PeterThoeny
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NEW - 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 by PeterThoeny
NEW - 18 Jan 2004 - 10:52 by PeterThoeny
Statistics for Open2300 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads:...
See also the verbose WebIndex.
NEW - 24 Nov 2001 - 11:40 by PeterThoeny
ws2300 A Python Driver for the WS 2300 Introduction ws2300 is an open source driver for the WS 2300, and as such does a similar job to Open2300 albeit in a rat...
r2 - 20 Nov 2008 - 06:58 by RussellStuart
ws.con a data converter for ham radio enthusiasts Introduction ws.con a data converter for ham radio enthusiasts Detailed Description ws.con is a data trans...
XBMC Weather station script Introduction Watch weather data on the XBMC media center. The script reads the log file created with histlog2300.exe and log2300.exe ...
r8 - 07 Oct 2017 - 12:17 by AndikaJuniar
Number of topics: 244

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Topic revision: r2 - 24 Nov 2001, PeterThoeny
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