Application - Web Statistics

Statistics for Application Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Oct 2011 351 0 0 121 WebHome
 30 WebSearch
 13 MeetingMinutes
 13 WebChanges
 12 MeetingMinutes2009x04x15
 12 MeetingMinutes2010x05x06
 10 FaqCategory
 10 WebIndex
 10 WebNotify
  9 SimpleNewsFeedData
  9 FaqTemplate
  9 WebStatistics
  8 MeetingMinutes2009x04x16
  8 SimpleNewsFeed
  8 FaqForm
  7 DownLoad
  7 MeetingMinutesTemplate
  7 FaqTopic0
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 CreateNewFAQ
  6 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
  5 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
  5 WebPreferences
  5 WebLeftBar
  4 SimpleNewsFeedForPlugins
  3 WebTopicList
  3 CoordinateMeetingDate
  1 KennethLavrsenFoswikiApplicationLicense
Jun 2011 476 0 0  81 WebHome
 54 WebPreferences
 28 DownLoad
 26 MeetingMinutes2009x04x15
 22 MeetingMinutes2010x05x06
 21 WebStatistics
 20 WebIndex
 20 MeetingMinutes2009x04x16
 19 FaqForm
 15 WebChanges
 14 MeetingMinutes
 14 SimpleNewsFeed
 14 SimpleNewsFeedForPlugins
 13 WebNotify
 12 FaqCategory
 12 KennethLavrsenFoswikiApplicationLicense
 11 MeetingMinutesTemplate
  9 WebSearch
  9 FaqTemplate
  8 WebLeftBar
  8 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
  8 CoordinateMeetingDate
  7 CreateNewFAQ
  7 SimpleNewsFeedData
  6 WebTopicList
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
  5 FaqTopic0
  4 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
May 2011 886 0 0 257 WebHome
 57 WebSearch
 48 WebChanges
 42 WebIndex
 40 MeetingMinutes
 32 WebStatistics
 26 FaqTemplate
 24 FaqTopic0
 24 MeetingMinutes2010x05x06
 22 CreateNewFAQ
 22 WebNotify
 22 FaqForm
 21 WebPreferences
 21 CoordinateMeetingDate
 20 SimpleNewsFeed
 19 MeetingMinutes2009x04x15
 18 SimpleNewsFeedData
 17 FaqCategory
 17 WebTopicList
 17 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 17 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 16 DownLoad
 16 WebLeftBar
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
 13 MeetingMinutes2009x04x16
 13 SimpleNewsFeedForPlugins
  9 KennethLavrsenFoswikiApplicationLicense
Apr 2011 401 0 0  92 WebHome
 22 WebStatistics
 21 MeetingMinutes
 21 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 20 WebLeftBar
 18 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 18 WebChanges
 15 MeetingMinutes2010x05x06
 14 SimpleNewsFeed
 14 SimpleNewsFeedForPlugins
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 FaqTopic0
 12 WebIndex
 12 WebSearch
 10 WebTopicList
 10 WebPreferences
  9 MeetingMinutes2009x04x16
  9 MeetingMinutes2009x04x15
  8 WebNotify
  8 FaqTemplate
  7 FaqForm
  6 DownLoad
  6 SimpleNewsFeedData
  6 CoordinateMeetingDate
  4 FaqCategory
  4 CreateNewFAQ
  4 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
  3 KennethLavrsenFoswikiApplicationLicense
Mar 2011 1236 0 0 241 WebHome
 91 WebStatistics
 66 MeetingMinutes
 62 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 59 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 51 FaqForm
 48 FaqTemplate
 47 CreateNewFAQ
 43 WebSearch
 42 FaqCategory
 41 SimpleNewsFeed
 40 MeetingMinutes2009x04x15
 38 WebPreferences
 38 WebChanges
 37 CoordinateMeetingDate
 33 WebIndex
 30 MeetingMinutes2010x05x06
 28 SimpleNewsFeedData
 25 FaqTopic0
 23 MeetingMinutes2009x04x16
 23 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
 22 KennethLavrsenFoswikiApplicationLicense
 20 DownLoad
 18 WebNotify
 17 WebTopicList
 17 WebLeftBar
 13 SimpleNewsFeedForPlugins
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
Feb 2011 1018 0 0 246 WebHome
 60 WebStatistics
 50 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 48 WebSearch
 47 FaqTopic0
 42 MeetingMinutes
 42 DownLoad
 33 WebChanges
 31 FaqForm
 30 SimpleNewsFeedForPlugins
 28 WebPreferences
 26 MeetingMinutes2010x05x06
 25 SimpleNewsFeedData
 25 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 24 CoordinateMeetingDate
 23 CreateNewFAQ
 23 SimpleNewsFeed
 22 FaqCategory
 22 MeetingMinutes2009x04x15
 22 WebLeftBar
 21 WebIndex
 21 FaqTemplate
 20 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
 19 MeetingMinutes2009x04x16
 17 WebNotify
 13 WebTopicList
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
 11 KennethLavrsenFoswikiApplicationLicense
Jan 2011 1249 0 0 276 WebHome
 79 WebSearch
 76 WebStatistics
 69 MeetingMinutes
 57 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 49 SimpleNewsFeed
 44 CoordinateMeetingDate
 40 WebPreferences
 39 WebIndex
 39 FaqForm
 38 CreateNewFAQ
 36 WebChanges
 36 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 34 SimpleNewsFeedData
 32 SimpleNewsFeedForPlugins
 30 FaqTemplate
 25 FaqCategory
 25 MeetingMinutes2009x04x16
 25 WebNotify
 25 DownLoad
 24 WebTopicList
 22 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
 22 WebLeftBar
 22 MeetingMinutes2010x05x06
 21 FaqTopic0
 16 WebSearchAdvanced
 16 MeetingMinutes2009x04x15
 12 KennethLavrsenFoswikiApplicationLicense
Dec 2010 974 0 0 285 WebHome
 87 WebSearch
 86 FaqTopic0
 34 MeetingMinutes
 29 WebIndex
 27 WebTopicList
 27 WebPreferences
 27 WebChanges
 27 FaqForm
 26 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 23 WebStatistics
 22 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 21 SimpleNewsFeed
 20 MeetingMinutes2009x04x15
 20 CoordinateMeetingDate
 19 DownLoad
 18 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
 17 CreateNewFAQ
 17 WebNotify
 17 FaqTemplate
 16 SimpleNewsFeedData
 16 MeetingMinutes2010x05x06
 14 MeetingMinutes2009x04x16
 13 FaqCategory
 13 WebLeftBar
 12 SimpleNewsFeedForPlugins
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
 11 KennethLavrsenFoswikiApplicationLicense
Aug 2010 1069 0 0 213 WebHome
 78 WebChanges
 68 WebStatistics
 67 WebSearch
 42 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 40 WebIndex
 36 MeetingMinutes
 35 WebPreferences
 33 FaqCategory
 33 FaqTemplate
 31 CreateNewFAQ
Jun 2010 410 0 0  98 WebHome
 25 WebChanges
 20 FaqTemplate
 19 SimpleNewsFeedData
 18 WebIndex
 18 WebStatistics
 16 MeetingMinutes
 16 WebSearch
 15 SimpleNewsFeed
 14 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 13 FaqCategory
May 2010 330 2 0  68 WebHome
 23 WebChanges
 15 WebNotify
 15 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 13 WebSearch
 13 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 12 SimpleNewsFeedData
 11 FaqCategory
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
 11 WebStatistics
 10 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
  2 ArifRifai
Mar 2010 528 0 0 125 WebHome
 28 WebSearch
 19 MeetingMinutes
 19 WebChanges
 18 WebPreferences
 17 WebTopicList
 17 WebNotify
 16 FaqTemplate
 16 WebStatistics
 15 SimpleNewsFeed
 15 SimpleNewsFeedData
Feb 2010 1147 0 0 261 WebHome
 92 WebChanges
 65 WebSearch
 40 WebIndex
 40 WebStatistics
 34 WebTopicList
 33 WebNotify
 31 CreateNewFAQ
 30 FaqCategory
 30 FaqTemplate
 29 MeetingMinutes
Jan 2010 1326 0 0 286 WebHome
 67 WebSearch
 57 WebIndex
 52 WebChanges
 47 WebNotify
 45 MeetingMinutes
 41 CoordinateMeetingDate
 40 WebTopicList
 40 WebPreferences
 38 SimpleNewsFeed
 38 SimpleNewsFeedData
Dec 2009 1378 0 0 297 WebHome
 83 WebChanges
 62 WebSearch
 54 WebIndex
 48 WebStatistics
 46 MeetingMinutes
 44 WebPreferences
 43 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 42 WebTopicList
 42 CreateNewFAQ
 40 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
Nov 2009 1280 0 0 283 WebHome
106 WebChanges
 74 WebSearch
 60 WebIndex
 47 MeetingMinutes
 42 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 42 CoordinateMeetingDate
 36 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 35 FaqTemplate
 35 WebStatistics
 34 WebTopicList
Oct 2009 2011 0 0 353 WebHome
231 WebChanges
118 WebSearch
 93 WebIndex
 64 WebStatistics
 62 WebPreferences
 60 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 59 WebTopicList
 58 WebNotify
 56 SimpleNewsFeed
 54 MeetingMinutes
Sep 2009 1420 15 0 281 WebHome
123 WebChanges
116 WebSearch
 48 WebIndex
 41 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 37 WebStatistics
 37 CoordinateMeetingDate
 34 MeetingMinutes
 34 SimpleNewsFeed
 34 SimpleNewsFeedData
 32 WebTopicList
 15 KennethLavrsen
Aug 2009 1005 0 0 261 WebHome
 94 WebSearch
 55 WebChanges
 33 WebSearchAdvanced
 31 WebPreferences
 31 WebStatistics
 28 MeetingMinutes
 27 WebIndex
 25 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 25 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 24 WebTopicList
Jul 2009 1133 0 0 281 WebHome
108 WebSearch
 54 WebChanges
 37 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 35 WebStatistics
 35 CoordinateMeetingDate
 34 WebPreferences
 33 WebIndex
 28 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
 27 MeetingMinutes
 27 WebNotify
Jun 2009 1662 0 0 293 WebHome
201 WebChanges
147 WebSearch
 44 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 42 WebIndex
 39 WebStatistics
 32 CreateNewFAQ
 32 MeetingMinutes
 30 WebPreferences
 29 ListTopicsAndChangeFormFieldsWithButton
 28 FaqCategory
May 2009 1591 54 0 291 WebHome
158 WebSearch
145 WebChanges
 70 SimpleNewsFeed
 52 WebIndex
 46 WebStatistics
 39 WebPreferences
 37 MeetingMinutes
 34 FaqForm
 34 FaqTemplate
 32 MeetingMinutesTemplate
 54 KennethLavrsen
Apr 2009 1133 32 0 261 WebHome
117 WebSearch
 73 WebChanges
 50 WebPreferences
 48 WebStatistics
 36 WebTopicList
 36 WebNotify
 33 WebIndex
 30 WebSearchAdvanced
 25 MeetingMinutes
 25 DownLoad
 32 KennethLavrsen
Mar 2009 398 0 0 120 WebHome
 37 WebSearch
 28 WebChanges
 27 WebPreferences
 24 WebIndex
 24 WebNotify
 23 WebStatistics
 18 WebTopicList
 15 KennethLavrsenTwikiApplicationLicense
 14 DownLoad
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
Dec 2008 433 0 0 188 WebHome
 54 WebSearch
 19 WebIndex
 16 WebChanges
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 WebStatistics
 13 WebTopicList
 13 KennethLavrsenTwikiApplicationLicense
 13 WebLeftBar
 12 WebNotify
 12 WebPreferences
 10 DownLoad
May 2008 454 0 0 148 WebSearch
 53 WebHome
 28 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 WebIndex
 11 WebTopicList
 11 WebNotify
  8 WebChanges
  7 WebLeftBar
  6 DownLoad
  6 WebPreferences
  5 WebStatistics
  4 KennethLavrsenTwikiApplicationLicense
Sep 2007 1359 0 0 272 WebHome
 46 BugReports
 29 UserGuide
 28 InstallationGuide
 26 RelatedProjects
 26 ProgramPatches
 25 FeatureRequests
 22 CreateBugReport
 22 SupportForm
 21 CreateFeatureRequest
 21 SupportRequests
Aug 2007 1518 0 0 199 WebHome
 55 BugReports
 33 UserGuide
 32 WebStatistics
 28 WebPreferences
 27 WebSearch
 27 SupportRequests
 26 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 26 FeatureRequestForm
 25 RelatedProjectsForm
 25 WebChanges
Feb 2007 2111 0 0 392 WebHome
 54 WebChanges
 46 UserGuide
 45 BugReports
 42 WebIndex
 38 WebLeftBar
 38 InstallationGuide
 34 SupportEditTemplate
 33 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 33 FeatureRequests
 33 TestPatch
Jan 2007 170 0 0  95 WebRss
 12 WebHome
  3 RelatedProjects
  3 UserGuide
  3 InstallationGuide
  2 AskedQuestions
  2 WebSearch
  2 SupportQuestion2005x09x04x121120
  2 FeatureRequestStatus
  2 AssignedQuestions
  2 FeatureRequestForm
Dec 2006 1863 0 0 1119 WebRss
167 WebHome
 27 UserGuide
 18 RelatedProjects
 18 BugReports
 17 FeatureRequests
 17 InstallationGuide
 16 SupportRequests
 15 WebLeftBar
 15 WebIndex
 14 WebSearch
Nov 2006 3605 0 0 2328 WebRss
326 WebHome
 39 RelatedProjects
 39 WebLeftBar
 35 UserGuide
 28 BugReports
 26 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 25 BugReport2005x09x04x100052
 24 InstallationGuide
 21 ProgramPatches
 21 WebSearch
Oct 2006 1059 0 0 714 WebRss
 82 WebHome
 12 UserGuide
 11 WebLeftBar
  9 FeatureRequests
  9 InstallationGuide
  8 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
  7 RelatedProjects
  7 BugStatus
  7 BugReportForm
  7 WebStatistics
Sep 2006 605 0 0 191 WebRss
 68 WebHome
 56 WebIndex
 11 WebLeftBar
 11 BugReports
  9 UserGuide
  8 SupportGuidelines
  8 ProgramPatches
  8 FeatureRequests
  8 InstallationGuide
  8 SupportRequests
Aug 2006 61 0 0  31 WebRss
  9 WebHome
  4 WebLeftBar
  2 WebIndex
  1 BugReport2005x09x04x100052
  1 PatchStatus
  1 RelatedProjects
  1 ReleaseVersion
  1 PatchHandledBy
  1 ReleasedIncluded
  1 WebPreferences
Jul 2006 341 0 0 210 WebRss
 31 WebHome
  5 WebSearch
  5 RelatedProjects
  5 UserGuide
  5 KennethLavrsenTwikiApplicationLicense
  5 WebLeftBar
  3 FeatureRequestTemplate
  3 PatchHandledBy
  3 WebChanges
  3 InstallationGuide
Oct 2005 825 0 0 502 WebHome
 44 UserGuide
 30 InstallationGuide
 27 FrequentlyAskedQuestions
 25 WebSearch
 19 RelatedProjects
 19 WebChanges
 11 ProgramPatches
  8 AnsweredQuestions
  8 FeatureRequests
  7 CoffeeMakingInAHurryScript
  6 BugReports
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebNotify
  5 WebRss
  5 SupportRequests
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebStatistics
  4 RoadMap
  4 PatchStatus
  4 TestPatch
  3 SupportQuestion2005x09x04x121120
  3 AskedQuestions
  3 BugReport2005x09x04x100052
  2 PatchInProgress
  2 WebTopicList
  2 SupportStatus
  2 AssignedBugTo
  2 FeatureRequestTemplate
  2 AssignedQuestionTo
  2 WebLeftBar
Apr 2005 0 0 0    
Mar 2005 0 0 0    
Feb 2005 0 0 0    
Sep 2004 0 0 0    

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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
Topic revision: r537 - 19 Oct 2011, WikiGuest
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