Motion - Bug Report 2013x 06x 05x 033036
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2013x06x05x033036 (05 Jun 2013, MustaiMustai)Edit Attach

BUG: Autofocus cameras garbage

Hi to all. It is seems autofocus webcams are bad to use with motion.
I use webcam with autofocus and install it to spy stable object (my computer table). Result shows one bad thing: autofocus makes false-focus and Motion daemon detects it as real motion.
- this is usual behaviour in twilight;
- also happens due to daylight.

Webcam is Microsoft LifeCam with autofocus and face tracking (I don't know is tracking provided by cam or its windows driver).

Please, provide this info in your documentation / wiki.

Examples are here:


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version: 0.8.5-6:0.8.5-1~bpo60+1
Shared libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Debian Squeeze
-- MustaiMustai - 05 Jun 2013

Follow up

Fix record

Topic revision: r1 - 05 Jun 2013, MustaiMustai
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