Motion - Bug Report 2014x 02x 11x 144906
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2014x02x11x144906 (11 Feb 2014, GillesVautier)Edit Attach

BUG: netcam with host and port does'nt works with proxy

if the netcam url is of the shape http://host:port/path and a proxy is declared it doesn't work.

I make a correction in netcam.c line 1831-1833

ptr = mymalloc(strlen(url->service) + strlen(url->host) + 6 /* space for port number */ + strlen(url->path) + 4);

sprintf((char *)ptr, "http://%s:%d%s", url->host, url->port , url->path);

in place of

ptr = mymalloc(strlen(url->service) + strlen(url->host) + strlen(url->path) + 4);

sprintf((char *)ptr, "http://%s%s", url->host, url->path);

and it works.


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Shared libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: centos 5.7
-- GillesVautier - 11 Feb 2014

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BugReportForm edit

TopicTitle netcam with host and port does'nt works with proxy
BugStatus New
SubmittedBy GVautier
Topic revision: r1 - 11 Feb 2014, GillesVautier
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